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Thursday 11 August 2011

Religious views as a phenomenon

Dominant religious views exist as barriers to personal and social growth in the society.
Religion has succeeded in shitting down the awareness of this emergence by installing the psychological distortion of faith upon its forbid, where logic and new information is rejected in favour of traditionalized outdated believes.
Religious believes have caused more fragmentation conflicts than any other ideology in history.  Christianity alone have approximately 34 000 subgroups. The established institutions continue to paralyse growth by preserving outdated social structures and the population suffers from fear of change for their conditioning assumes static identity.
There is no such thing as a smart human being; it is only a matter of time before ideas are updated, changed or eradicated.
It is time to claim unity and the outmoded social systems that have broken apart and work together to create a sustainable global society.
Your personal believes whatever they may be are meaningless when it comes to the necessity of life. My country is the world and my religion is to do well. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us.
Every human being is born naked needing warmth, food, water and shelter. The most important issue is intelligent of the earth resources. This can never be accomplished in the monetary system, for the pursuit of profit is the pursuit of self­-interest and therefore imbalanced is inherent.
Politicians are irrelevant, our true problems in life are technological not political. Ideologies that separate humanity such as religion need strong reflection in the community in regard to its value, purpose and social relevancy.
Hopefully though time religion will lose its materialism and basis, and move in a useful field of philosophy. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will finally have the say in reality

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