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Thursday 11 August 2011

ANC introduces its councilor candidate

ANC members held a meeting at Soshanguve, Extension eight on Friday after campaigning around Soshanguve Block F community. The main aim of the meeting was to introduce the councilor candidate Mrs. Naome Kataka to extension 8, ward 39 community. Mrs. Naome is a first ANC councilor candidate in ward 39.
Community members raised their problems that need to be addressed. Service charges such as housing, water and electricity are amongst the challenges that the ward is facing. The ANC councilor in ward 37, Sello Huma was also part of the meeting and he responded on the problem of service charges. “Indigenous people should go to municipality and complete the unemployed people form to prove that they are unemployed. According to municipality, everyone who earns less than R1100 is unemployed. Such people will be granted 100 kilowatts of electricity and 12 kilolitres of water per month”.
Mrs. Mamahlakula is a community member at extension 8 and she is hoping for change this time as the previous ANC leadership has not done enough. “I hope things will change, we have been living here for many years but still our community looks like a squatter camp.”
On the issue of informal settlements, Mrs. Kataka promised to reconstruct and develop ward 39 by building houses for the people who are living in the sharks. “We will build ANC offices near the community for the community to access with their leadership.”    
Crime is highly rated in this community and one member of the Community Policing Forum who decided to remain anonymous said they come across many challenges concerning crime. “Sometimes when we call the police after criminal activity they arrive 7 hours late.”
The ANC deployee emphasized more on the issue of elections that people should vote for the ANC for better service delivery.

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